

 By Felipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva

İn the Vlaosian Empire, Douglas Sullivan moved w/ his little daughter Aurora to a camp house house in Greenville town in the heart of the country. They were well received by their neighbor Sonya, that made a pie (🥧) for them.

Next day he needed to solve some matters in the Clay County center, so Sonya offered to take care of her. After returning home, Aurora complained about a strange story. She told him that she saw a monster like a pencil’s scribble. So she took a pencil and a paper and make strokes by continuous moves to make a scribble to represent it; she saw that it was connected to a strange book of Mrs. Sonya’s studies. He didn’t believed in it, thinking it as a children’s imagination.

Some time later he went again to the town, but returned sooner than it was expected to Mrs. Sonya. Aurora was screaming, and he saw by the house’s glass panels that Mrs. was running after Aurora w/ a large dagger.

He forced the door and wrestled Mrs. Sonya, shoving her dagger in her own throat. So he saw a glimpse of the monster. İt was like countless pencil strokes together in form w/ circa 2.45m (ft) constantly in motion in the air. Aurora pointed the book to him. He took the book and they escaped.

She told him that Mrs. Sonya was secretly trying to summon something from “far away”, and decided to kill her when she discovered, fearing people would begin to believe the story.

They lost no time to move to the Kuloshian Empire, like he were a fugitive. ¿ Who would believe that he wasn’t guilty; who would believe in the story?

Douglas delved into the books that contained the secret lore of the occultism and magical science, and delved into the subculture of the magical secret societies. He learned how to read the magical formulas of the books; he discovered that the “Scribble Monster” was actually a being of other dimension summoned into our dimension, due to the experiments of Mrs. Sonya, that was a reckless mage.

Douglas told his story to the magical secret society “Brotherhood Of The Magical Source Code”. Douglas was effectively accepted in the Brotherhood; its motto is “it’s not enough to magic to be open, it’s needed to be libre”. They discussed if the best course of action was capture the Scribble Monster to study him, but it was not feasible in that case; so they decided that it should be made in other occasion. So they decided to return to the house, w/out attracting much attention, to kill the Scribble Monster, that was lurking in the house since then. At that point, Douglas was effectively a skilled mage.

They fought the Scribble Monster w/ steel & magic, and succeed. Later they found a group of policemen that recognized Douglas and tried to arrest him, but he and the group of the mages used magic to put the policemen out of combat in a non-lethal way, so they could escape back to the Kuloshian Empire.

Aurora is 09 (nine) years old now. They gathered magical source codes and proofs tangible enough to show the existence of physically tangible magical phenomena; so they showed it to the world. Now the world is oƒƒіcially aware of supernatural phenomena. Douglas have the statements of the mages and Aurora about the Scribble Monster. Everything is heading to a good resolution to Douglas, to clean his name before the Vlaosian authorities; meanwhile, he’s working in magical research in the Kuloshian Empire.

The End