
Power Sources, Roles & Classes For Retro-Clone RPGs

 By Felipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva

People creates retro-clones about everything, except for the things that they need most. For example, they didn’t created one as a free replacement for the 4th edition D&D, that used the GSL (Game System License), or to the Magic: The Gathering (both now owned by the Wizards Of The Coast – WOTC).

So that’s a concept for those who want to make the 1st step.

To create a class, just cross a power source w/ a role. Example: Arcane + Crowd Controller,  Martial/Weird Science + [Slayer/Damage dealer], etc.

☙Power sources❧

Power Source – Color – Element – Location (vs. [opposition]):

*[Martial/Weird Science] – Magenta – Air – Weird Science Facility (vs. Green)

*Primal – Green – Earth – Forest (vs. Magenta)

*Shadow – Black – Shadow – Swamp (vs. White)

*Light – White – Light – Plains (vs. Black)

*Arcane – Red – Fire – [Mountain/Volcano] (vs. Cyan)

*Psionic – Cyan – Water – İsland (vs. Red)

*Cosmopolite – Transparent – Æther – Metropolis (no opposition)


*Tank: A character that have high defense; he have abilities to lure opponents to attack him. If he have high HP (see its entry), he's called a "meat shield".

*[Healer/support]: Heals HP (see its entry) and status ailments.

*[Slayer/Damage dealer]: A character that deals an huge amount of damage in a single target. If he haves low defense, he's called a "glass cannon".

*Crowd controller: Inflicts damage in a high number of minions (see its entry).

*Duelist: Specialized in one-against-one combats.

*Face: Specialized in social interactions.