
Poems By Álvares de Azevedo

 [Translated by / Traduzido Por]: Felipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva


Pale, under the light of the gloomy lamp,
Lying down amidst the flower bed,
Embalmed like the Moon in the night,
¡ She slept among the clouds of the love!

İt was the Virgin of the Sea, in the cold sea-foam
¡ Lulled by the tide!
She was an angel among the clouds of the dawn
¡ That bathed herself while dreamt and forgot about that!

¡ She was the most beautiful one! Her heart beating...
Dark eyes under the opening eyelids...
Nude contours touching the bed...

¡ Don’t think that İ’m being funny, my cute angel!
Because of you –  İ wept while keeping the wake in the nights,
¡ Because of you – İ will die while smiling!

☙My Dream❧

Knight of the dark weapons,
¿ Where are you going through the impure darkness,
With that blood-stained sword in your hand?
¿ Why your flaming eyes are shining,
And the screams from your trembling lips,
Releases the fire from your heart?

¿ Knight, who are you? – ¿ The remorse?
You seat in the back of the steed...
And you ride through the valley...
¡ Oh! Raising the dust from the road
Don’t you hear the skeletons shrieking
¿ And the ghost biting your feet?

Where are you going through the impure darkness,
Knight of the dark weapons,
¿ Gaunt like a dead one in the tomb?...
¿ Do you hear... İn the tall mountain,
A throng following your gallop,
And a call for avenging rumbling?

¿ Knight, who are you? What a mystery...
Who plotted for your death in the Empire,
To make you wander by the haunted night?

[The Phantom]:
İ’m the dream of your hope,
Your fever that never gives a break,
¡ The delusion that will kill you!...